> 唯美句子 > 初中英语短文100字好的给分


初中英语短文100字 好的给分

呵呵 希望对你有所帮助 祝楼主进步哈


People often say that a dog is man's best friend. Over thousands of years, man has taught his dogs to do many kinds of work besides guarding the home. For example, sheepdogs are famous for their ability to control a flock of hundreds of sheep.

Dogs have been used to aid disabled people for centuries. A guide dog can lead its blind owner. Nowadays, dogs can be taught to turn on light switches, open refrigerator doors and dial the telephone for their disabled owners. For the majority of people, however, dogs are simply pets and friends for both young and old members of the family.

guard 看守,看护 sheepdog 牧羊犬 flock 群 aid 帮助

disabled 残疾人 century 世纪 guide dog 导盲犬 dial 拨 majority 大多数



初中英语短文100字 好的给分

呵呵 希望对你有所帮助 祝楼主进步哈


People often say that a dog is man's best friend. Over thousands of years, man has taught his dogs to do many kinds of work besides guarding the home. For example, sheepdogs are famous for their ability to control a flock of hundreds of sheep.

Dogs have been used to aid disabled people for centuries. A guide dog can lead its blind owner. Nowadays, dogs can be taught to turn on light switches, open refrigerator doors and dial the telephone for their disabled owners. For the majority of people, however, dogs are simply pets and friends for both young and old members of the family.

guard 看守,看护 sheepdog 牧羊犬 flock 群 aid 帮助

disabled 残疾人 century 世纪 guide dog 导盲犬 dial 拨 majority 大多数




1) Spring Festival

Spring Festival is the most important festival in China .In the evening before the Spring Festival ,families get together and have a big meal .In many places people like to set off firecrackers .Dumplings are the most traditional food .Children like the festival very much ,because they can have delicious food and wear new clothes .They can also get some money from their parents. This money is given to children for good luck . People put New Year scrolls on the wall for good fortune .


春节是中国最最重要的节日..春节前一天的晚上,一家人都聚在一起吃晚饭.许多人都喜欢(在这时候)放炮竹.饺子是传统的食物. 小孩子非常喜欢这个节日,因为他们能吃到很多美味的食物,穿漂亮的衣服.他们还能收到父母给的压岁钱.这些钱能给孩子带来好运.人民也会把新年的画挂在墙上,为了来年的好运.

2)Books 书籍

As is well known, books teach us to learn life, truth, science and many other useful things. They increase our knowledge, broaden our minds and strengthen our character. In other words, they are our good teachers and wise friends. This is the reason why our parents always encourage us to read more books.

Reading is a good thing, but we must pay GREat attention to the choice of books. It is true that we can derive benefits from good books. However, bad books will do us more harm than good.




Nowadays the newspaper possesses considerable value Everybody should read it. It supplies us with a variety of news every day. It tells us the political s......更多唯美的句子:www.234p.cn



There is no doubt that happiness is the most precious thing in the world. Without it, life will be empty and meaningless. If you wish to know how to get happiness, you must pay attention to the following two points.

First, health is the secret of happiness (the key to happiness)。 Only a strong man can enjoy the pleasure of life.

Secondly, happiness consists in contentment. A man who is dissatisfied with his present condition is always in distress.





As is well known, books teach us to learn life, truth, science and many other useful things. They increase our knowledge, broaden our minds and strengthen our character. In other words, they are our good teachers and wise friends. This is the reason why our parents always encourage us to read more books.

Reading is a good thing, but we must pay great attention to the choice of books. It is true that we can derive benefits from good books. However, bad books will do us more harm than good.




1.A Football Match A' Football Match

Last Friday afternoon, there was a football match between Class One and Class Two. It was a close match. Almost all the students went to the playground to cheer for them. Suddenly it began to rain, but no one left. At last Class One did better and won the game. The score was 2 to 1. The students of Class One were so excited that they sang songs happily for their team.

2.A Story

Once in the ancient Kingdom of Zheng there was a man who wanted to buy himself a pair of shoes. He took the measurement of his own feet with a piece of string. Then he went to the market. He was looking at some shoes at the shoe-maker's when he realized he had left the measurement at home. He put down the shoes and rushed home to fetch it. By the time he returned with the measurement the market had been closed. So he failed to get his shoes.

Somebody asked him, "Why didn't you just try the shoes on your feet?" He answered, "I would rather trust the measurement than my feet."




故事的第一节告诫我们,局限思考是从自己的角度思考, 整体思考是你把自己放到整个环境中去考虑。系统地思考问题,就会发现,你的行为会对别人产生互动。

Blind lanterns

A blind to visit relatives, after dark, his relatives for his kindness ordered a lantern, said: "it was late, and black, you make a lantern home!" Blind fire emit three zhangs ground to say: "you know I was blind, gave me a lantern according to the road, not laughing at me?" His relatives said: "you make the mistake of thinking limitations. You walk by the way, many people are on the way, you can see with lanterns and others, you will not put you hit." Blind, yeah!

The story tells us, in the first quarter from the Angle of his thinking limitations, overall thinking is you yourself into the environment to consider. Systematic thinking, you will find that your behavior will interact to others.


Three years ago, I was admitted to the City focus on high school. I together in the classroom window planted a peach tree and classmates. This peach to accompany us to learn together, live, to witness our efforts every day, every day to share the joy, share the every day troubles. Now peach tree has been covered with rich fruit, each of us also gain useful knowledge. We are about to embark on a new journey of learning, hope this tree can bear more fruit.


As a coin has two sides,“tourism wave” also brought us a lot of troubles.Along with the development of tourism,all the famous scenic spots are full of tourists,especially during the weekends and holidays,which did great harm to the environment and the places of interest.It also brought about traffic jam and hidden danger.

In conclusion,we should have a clear mind towards tourism.In my opinion,taking a tour is a kind of relax and enjoyment,if there are so many people,so bad transportation,and troublesome,it is meaningless.So,before you join in the group of “tourism wave” ,trying your best to avoid the disadvantages I have mentioned.


My favourite course

My favourite course is history, because it is very interesting. In the course, I get the knowledge of the ancient culture in China and the found of China, which on some content, broadens my horizon and makes me absorbed in it. What's more, by learning history, I see the wisdom in predecessors and I can learn a lot from it. In addition, it also enhancs my ethical confidence and my sense of responsibility. Last but not least, Knowing very well about the history is worthy of our pride in the capital.



初中英语美文加翻译 简单一点 100词左右

First Inaugural Address

We observe today not a victory of party, but a celebration of freedom, symbolizing an end, as well as a beginning; signifying renewal, as well as change. For I have sworn before you and Almighty God the same solemn oath our forebears prescribed nearly a century and three quarters ago.

In your hands, my fellow citizens, more than in mine, will rest the final success or failure of our course. Since this country was founded, each generation of Americans has been summoned to give testimony to its national loyalty. The graves of young Americans who answered the call to service surround the globe.

Now the trumpet summons us again, not as a call to bear arms, though arms we need; not as a call to battle, though embattled we are; but a call to bear the burden of a long twilight struggle, year in and year out, “rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation”, a struggle against the common enemies of man: tyranny, poverty, disease, and war itself.

Can we forge against these enemies a grand and global alliance, North and South, East and West, that can assure a more fruitful life for all mankind? Will you join in that historic effort?

In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger. I do not shrink from this responsibility. I welcome it. I do not believe that any of us would exchange places with any other people or any other generation. The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it. And the glow from that fire can truly light the world.

And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.

My fellow citizens of the world, ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.

Finally, whether you are citizens of America or citizens of the world, ask of us here the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you. With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth, God’s work must truly be our own.











