> 唯美句子 > 帮忙翻译几句关于复活节的句子,谢谢



Easter is the ol叮est one of the most significant Christian festivals, which celebrate the resurrection of Christ, symbolizing rebirth and hope.It was started at the first sunday after the Spring Equinox.Christians around the world holds a celebration every year.the typical gifts for Easter are related to spring and rebirth:egg,little rabbit,small duck,fresh flower,especially lily is the symbol of this season.

将句子译成英文 复活节可能是从3月20日到4月20日的任何一天

Easter may be from March 20 to April 20 any day

(2/2)复活节,amusement娱乐 用七个英语单词分别造七个英语句子,不要很长一点就好、快

Next Monday will be my 21st birthday.

School will begin next Tuesday.

I have appointment on Wednesday.

I'm usually free on Thursday.

The library is open to readers on every Friday.

I wish tomorrow was Saturday.

Sunday is the first day of the week.


Easter is the oldest one of the most significant Christian festivals, which celebrate the resurrection of Christ, symbolizing rebirth and hope.It was started at the first sunday after the Spring Equinox.Christians around the world holds a celebration every year.the typical gifts for Easter are related to spring and rebirth:egg,little rabbit,small duck,fresh flower,especially lily is the symbol of this season.



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胸中涌起澎湃 : 汹涌澎湃 。 万分珍爱,推崇备至 : 爱如至宝,如获至宝 。中国有词以来第一作手 : 苏轼和辛弃疾,北宋的苏轼和南宋的幸弃疾行成词坛的「苏辛」豪放词派。成语:舒情豪放


