> 唯美句子 > we造句,加油


We are happy. 我们很开心。

We get to school at 8:00. 我们8:00到达学校。

We can help you. 我们会帮你。追问






You are clever.

I look like my father.

You all wear glasses.

He is ma

He is reading a book.

She wants to buy a new pen.

It flew away.

They work very hard.


用we can find造四个句子

I have a new pen. 我有了一支新的钢笔。

Thet have a lot of money. 他们有很多钱。

Have some apples. 来点苹果吧。

Do you have this book? 你有这本书吗?Does she have the computer? 她有电脑吗?Have you got some small change? 你有零钱吗?I have already finished my homework. 我已经完成我的作业了。

Thay've just left. 他们刚刚离开。

We've nearly finished. 我们快要完成了。

I have fish for dinner. 晚餐我有鱼吃。

She has a old car. 她有一辆旧车。

He has no idea. 他没有主意。

It has gone.He has just turned a teacher.



1.I like to bathe in the sea.我喜欢在海里游泳(或洗澡)。

2.Do you like music?你喜欢音乐吗?3.He ran away like an arrow.他像箭一般飞快地逃走了。

4.We like to biro book.我们喜欢用圆珠笔写书。

5.She likes to sing songs.她喜欢唱歌。

6.Now they like the film some.现在他们有点儿喜欢这部影片了。

7.It's like a special music.它就像是一种特别的音乐。

8.Do you like to play games?你们都喜欢玩游戏吗?

造句we learn English by ? 10句

We learn English by studying hard every day .We learn English by using a recorder .We learn English by speaking it all the time .We learn English by listening to the radio .We learn English by making friends with native speakers .


1.Don't get excited when you talk. 你说话时别激动。

2.while we were swimming someone stole our clothes. 当我们正在游泳的时候,有人偷了我们的衣服。

3.It is important for us to protect the environment. 保护环境对我们是很重要的。

4.if everyone protect the environment,our world will become more beautiful than before. 如果每个人保护环境,我们的世界将变得比以前更漂亮。

5.Although you can get some valuable information from TV, you shoudn't spend too much time watching it. 尽管你可以从电视上得到一些有价值的信息,但你不应该花太多时间在上面。

Though he's fool, I like him nonetheless. 虽然他很笨, 我仍然喜欢他 I will try it, though I may fail. 即使我可能失败, 我也要试一下

We want……造句子

His sad news depressed usall day.他的不幸消息令我们整天难过She sang a sad song 她唱着悲伤的歌。

She groaned out a sad story.她呻吟地叙述了一段伤心的故事。

I have some very sad news to share with all of you.我有一些十分令人悲痛的消息和你们分享。



1.The life processes continue until death .生命的进程持续到死。

2.Children dance to music until the music stops . 孩子们跟随音乐跳舞直到音乐停止。

3.The court adjourned from Friday until Monday . 法庭自星期五休庭至星期一。

4.The shop is open until midnight那个商店营业到午夜5.We have to pause until we get approval . 我们必须暂停,直到获得认可。

6.Not until we lose health do we know its value . 我们直到失去健康才知道健康的价值。

7.I was skating until that other boy ran into me . 我溜冰溜得好好的,谁叫那个男孩撞到我。

8.Fine , until that asset is worth less than the outstanding loan . 等到这笔财产的价值低于未偿贷款的时候,罚款。

9.I will persist until I succeed . 坚持不懈。


10.So I prayed until that day when our hearts will beat as one . 我会一直祈祷,直到有一天,我们的心跳合二为一。



