> 唯美句子 > 懂事用英语怎么说




sensible 英[ˈsensəbl] 美[ˈsɛnsəbəl]

adj. 懂事的;明智的; 通情达理的; 合乎情理的; 意识到的,能感觉到的;

n. 可感觉到的东西; 敏感的人;

[例句]It might be sensible to get a solicitor


intelligent 英[ɪnˈtelɪdʒənt] 美[ɪnˈtɛlədʒənt]

adj. 聪明的; 理解力强的; 有智力的; 懂事的;[计] 智能的;

[例句]Susan's a very bright and intelligent woman who knows her own mind.



1.You'll never realize how strong you are until you have no other choice but to be strong. ---- 你永远都不会知道自己到底有多坚强,直到有一天你除了坚强别无选择。

2.Be yourself, don't change for anyone. If they don't like you at your worst, then they don't deserve you at your best. ----- 勇敢的做自己,不要为任何人而改变。


3.Fireworks may be beautiful, but who can understand Nama hide the sadness. ---- 烟花也许很美,但谁能看懂那抹隐藏其中的悲伤。

4.Memories, beautiful very hurt, memories, memories of the past but can not go back. ---- 回忆,很美、却很伤;回忆、只是回不到过去的记忆。

5.Do you understand the feeling of missing someone? It is just like that you will spend a long hard time to turn the ice-cold water you have drunk into tears. 你知道思念一个人的滋味吗,就像喝了一大杯冰水,然后用很长很长的时间流成热泪。

6.When you are afraid of losing something ,it means that you have no choice but to abandon it or give up yourself. --- 当你害怕失去一样东西时,这意味着,你只能要么放弃这样东西,要么放弃你自己。

7.I'd rather hold you for a minute than live the rest of life knowing I never could. --- 我宁愿牵着你的手,过最后一分钟,也不愿在没有你的世界虚度此生。

8.No matter how long the rain lasts, there will be a rainbow in the end. No matter how sad you may be, believe, that happiness is waiting. 不管雨下了多久,雨后都将会有彩虹,不管你有多悲伤,要坚信,幸福在等你! 9.The reason so many people find it so hard to be happy is that they will always see the past better than it was, the present worse than it is, and the future less resolved than it will be. 很多人不快乐,是因为总觉得过去太美好,而现在太糟糕,将来又太飘渺。

10.I'm still here waiting for you but you already forgot you've been here before. 我还在原地等你,你却忘了你曾经来过这里。



解释:sensible 英[ˈsensəbl] 美[ˈsɛnsəbəl] adj. 懂事的;明智的; 通情达理的; 合乎情理的; 意识到的,能感觉到的; n. 可感觉到的东西; 敏感的人; [例句]It might be sensible to get a solicitor也许应该请一个诉状律师。

intelligent 英[ɪnˈtelɪdʒənt] 美[ɪnˈtɛlədʒənt] adj. 聪明的; 理解力强的; 有智力的; 懂事的;[计] 智能的; [例句]Susan's a very bright and intelligent woman who knows her own mind.苏珊是个非常聪明、有主见的女子。


1. Pain past is pleasure.(过去的痛苦就是快乐。


] 2. While there is life, there is hope.(有生命就有希望/留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。

) 3. Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand.(脑中有知识,胜过手中有金钱。


] 4. Storms make trees take deeper roots.(风暴使树木深深扎根。

)[感激敌人,感激挫折!] 5. Nothing is impossible for a willing heart.(心之所愿,无所不成。


] 6. The shortest answer is doing.(最简单的回答就是干。


] 7. All things are difficult before they are easy.(凡事必先难后易。


] 8. Great hopes make great man. (伟大的理想造就伟大的人。

) 9. God helps those who help themselves.(天助自助者。

) 10. Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more.(四个简短的词汇概括了成功的秘诀:多一点点!)[比别人多一点努力、多一点自律、多一点决心、多一点反省、多一点学习、多一点实践、多一点疯狂,多一点点就能创造奇迹!] 11. In doing we learn.(实践长才干。

) 12. East or west, home is best.(东好西好,还是家里最好。

) 13. Two heads are better than one.(三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮。

) 14. Good company on the road is the shortest cut.(行路有良伴就是捷径。

) 15. Constant dropping wears the stone.(滴水穿石。

) 16. Misfortunes never come alone/single.(祸不单行。

) 17. Misfortunes tell us what fortune is.(不经灾祸不知福。

) 18. Better late than never.(迟做总比不做好;晚来总比不来好。

) 19. It's never too late to mend.(过而能改,善莫大焉;亡羊补牢,犹未晚也。

) 20. If a thing is worth doing it is worth doing well.(如果事情值得做,就值得做好。

) 21. Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.(无热情成就不了伟业。

) 22. Actions speak louder than words.(行动比语言更响亮。

) 23. Lifeless, faultless.(只有死人才不犯错误。

) 24. From small beginning come great things.(伟大始于渺小。

) 25. One today is worth two tomorrows.(一个今天胜似两个明天。

) 26. Truth never fears investigation.(事实从来不怕调查。

) 27. The tongue is boneless but it breaks bones.(舌无骨却能折断骨。

) 28. A bold attempt is half success.(勇敢的尝试是成功的一半。

) 29. Knowing something of everything and everything of something.(通百艺而专一长。

) 30. Good advice is beyond all price.(忠告是无价宝。




1)主语+ 系动词+ 表语 :He is a fanciful writer(他是一位富有想象力的作家。

)2).主语+ 半系动词+表语:She looks lovely in white.(她穿白色衣服看上去很漂亮。

) His face went cool again.(他的面孔又变冷漠了。

) she remained serene and in control.( 她依旧泰然自若。

) Our vision appears limited.(看来我们的目光短浅。

) 注:请特别注意以上四句的谓语动词,它们在这里代表着四组不同类别的半系动词3)主语+不及物谓语动词/ 不及物动词短语:The breeze has died away.( 微风渐渐止住了.)2.在“主语+谓语+宾语”结构里,主语是动作的发出者。

能够作主语的一般有:名词、代词、数词、动名词、名词化的形容词【即:the+形容词表示每一类的人或物,如:the rich(富人),the poor(穷人)等),此外还有动词不定式、动名词短语,名词短语,形容词短语,代词短语和从句(即主语从句)】。

谓语同样也是两类定义:1)在“主语+系动词+表语”结构中,谓语=系动词+表语,在 “主语+不及物谓语动词/不及物动词短语”中,谓语就是该不及物动词或不及物动词短语。



(详情参阅链接提示中内容) 宾语总体分为动宾和介词宾语两大类,动词宾语是仅指“主语+谓语+宾语+......”类结构而言,宾语是主语所发出的动作的承受者,介词宾语则是指放在介词后面单词、短语或从句(详情请参看英语语法书)宾语可由名词、代词、数词、名词化的形容词、不定式、动名词、宾语从句等来担任。





前置定语见以下例句:There is a a baby girl in the cradle. (摇篮里有一个女婴)baby就是名词作前置定语。

I am waiting for your reply. (我在等你答复) your就是形容词性物主代词作前置定语。

He is a business- is –business man.(他是一个公事公办的人) business- is –business 就是合成词作前置定语。

后置定语分为三类,详情见下:单词:1)以a开头的形容词: a world anew 一个崭新的世界(其中,anew就是后置定语,用来修饰限定world 。

)2)修饰限定“复合不定代词”的形容词:I have something important to tell you.我有些重要的事情要对你说。

(其中,important 就是后置定语用来修饰something.) 短语:1)He had the ability to push aside all difficulties 他有能力排除一切困难。

(句中,to push aside all difficulties 就是动词不定式作后置定语,修饰ability.)2)The girl in red is his sister. 穿红衣服的那个女孩是他妹妹。

(句中介词短语in red 就是The girl 的后置定语)3)I hopped into a taxi standing at the door. 我跳进一辆停在旅馆门口的出租车。

(句中,standing at the door就是现在分词短语作a taxi 的后置定语)4)He is a man rude but henpecked.他是一个粗暴而惧内的男人。

(形容词短语作后置定语) 从句:1)He lives in the house which is opposite ours. 他住在我们对面的那栋房子里。

(句中,从句which is opposite ours就是the house 的后置定语)2)This is a pretty flower, whose name I don't know. 这是一种很美的花,我不知道它叫什么名字. (句中,whose name I don't know就是a pretty flower的后置定语) 补语有三大类:主语补足语:一般多体现为表语形式,表语即是主语补足语的最常见的一类。

宾语补足语(放在宾语后面补充说明宾语的成分) 形容词补足语:放在形容词后面,用来补充说明该形容词的内容,原因等的成分。

例如:I am glad to see you again.(我很高兴再次见到你。

)本句中的to see you again就是动词不定式作形容词glad的补语,补充说明高兴的原因,再如:Mike is confident that he will arrive in time. (迈克相信他会及时到达。

)句中的confident 就是形容词,其后的 that he will arrive in time就是形容词补语从句。



Waiting is painful. Forgetting is painful. But not knowing which to do is the worst kind of suffering.等待是痛苦的,遗忘也是痛苦的。


To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某个人,你是他的整个世界.Don't cry because it is over, smile,because it happened.不要因为结束而哭泣.微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有.Follow your heart, but take your brain with you.跟随自己的心,但要保持清醒的头脑。

Life has its ups and downs.Sometimes the sun shines, sometimes the rain lashes,but then it takes both the sun and rain to make a rainbow.生活中有起有落,有时候阳光普照,有时候大雨倾盆,但是只有在经历过阳光风雨之后才会有彩虹。



1.If we can only encounter each other rather than stay with each other, then I wish we had never encountered. 如果只是相见,却不能在一起,那宁愿从未相遇。

2. The best way to get over someone, is to get under someone else 。

——《Gossip Girl》 忘记某个人最好的方法,就是喜欢上其他人。

——《绯闻女孩》3. At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet.每一个沐浴在爱河中的人都是诗人。

4. Love keeps the cold out better than a cloak.爱比大衣更能驱走寒冷。

5. love you not for whom you are , but who I am when I'm by your side. 我爱你并不是因为你是谁,而是因为我在你身边的时候我是谁。

6.Without respect, love lost.Without caring, love boring. Without honesty, love unhappy. Without trust, love unstable.没有尊重,爱会走掉。




7. No person deserves your tears,and who deserves them won't make you cry. 没有人值得你流泪,值得你流泪的人是不会让你哭的。

8.There are things that we don't want to happen but have to accept, things we don't want to know but have to learn. and people we can't live without but have to let go. 有些事,不想发生,却不得不接受;有些东西,不想了解,却不得不学习;有些人不能失去,却不得不放手。

9. I love you not becauce of who you are ,but becauce of who I am when Iam with you. 我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉。

10.Just because someone dosen't love you as you wish,it dosen't mean you're not loved with all his/her being. 只因为某人不如你所愿爱你,并不意味着你不被别人所爱。


DuskLooking into the sunset I can't help but notice that despite her beauty,a sense of struggle and hopeless surround the sky .Deep inside you realize that this day is gone,and everything that It had brought is lost forever.Every thought,every action,every dream,every hope,every sight,every sound is gone.There is no chance of every being returned the same,exactly the same.For every moment has a limit to what it can capture,Every memory has a limit to what it had retrieve.And the colours in the sky try to entertain us.one last act with painted smiles,for they too know that nothing can be done to save the day.So futile their attempt to comfort our fear of the night.our horror as we try to find our way,like children who wander into a forest and never return.I am ingratiated by the sunset because of her sensitivity as she tries to push the darknessback for just a moment more.But like so many times before....to no avail !黄昏凝望夕阳,我无法抑止地看到,无论她是如何的美丽动人,挣扎和绝望依然萦绕天幕,内心深处,你明白今日已逝,它所带来的一切也永远消失了,每一脉思想,每一次行动,每一个梦想,每一线希望每一幅景象,每一缕声音,都消逝而去,一切都不可能还复如初,和原来一模一样,只因每一个时刻所能捕捉的东西是有限的,甚至每一段记忆所能缅怀的一切也是有限的而天空中的绮丽色彩努力让我们快乐起来,最后上演的是五彩缤纷的微笑,因为它们也知晓,做什么都无法留住时日,它们想安慰我们对夜的恐惧,而又如此徒劳无益,虽然恐惧,我们依然寻找出路,宛若在林中的孩心,彷徨不知归路,我满心欢喜,只因夕阳的敏感,她竭力将黑暗推回,仅仅为了再多驻留一刻,可却犹如以往,一切都无济于事....


