> 唯美句子 > 失恋纹身英文句子


I lay my love on you。(我把爱给了你)

stay here forever 。(永远留在这里)

even when you gone。(就算你走了)

I will do it for you。(为你而战)

nobody ever love me till you。(只有你爱我,没有别人)





After break-up,we cannot be enemy,cos we had been in love.After break-up, we cannot be friends,cos I had hurt you.Now we're becoming the very strangers who know each other so much.尽管已经走出一段感情,但不意味着会就此放手,也许我们都在用各自的方式挽留。

Although we have come out of a relationship, it does not mean that we can let go, maybe we are using our own ways to continue .文字选自网络,有修改。



1、Never Walk Backwards!绝不后悔,决不后退!2、No cross, no crown.没有苦难,哪有成功3、Care and diligence bring luck。


4、By falling we learn to go safely.吃一堑长一智。

5、Keep on going never give up.勇往直前, 决不放弃!6、Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well.任何值得做的事就值得把它做好!7、Believe in yourself.相信你自己!8、I can because i think i can.我行,因为我相信我行!9、Action speak louder than words.行动胜于言语!10、Never say die.永不气馁!11、Never put off what you can do today until tomorrow.今日事今日毕!12、You cannot improve your past, but you can improve your future. Once time is wasted, life is wasted.你不能改变你的过去,但你可以让你的未来变得更美好.一旦时间浪费了,生命就浪费了.13、Knowlegde can change your fate and English can accomplish your future.知识改变命运,英语成就未来.14、Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.如果你想要成功,不要去追求成功;尽管做你自己热爱的事情并且相信它,成功自然到来.15、Knowledge is power.知识就是力量.16、All things come to those who wait.苍天不负有心人17、Victory won''t come to me unless I go to it.胜利是不会向我们走来的,我必须自己走向胜利。

纹身 伤感英文语句!!带翻译!谢谢!不要叫我不纹!

1、ALL OR NOTHING.孤注一掷 2、Constant dripping wears away the stone.锲而不舍,金石可镂. 3、Follow your own course,and let people talk.自己选择的负担不会觉得重。

4、History repeats itself. 历史 会重演 5、Hope to the end. 坚持到底 6、If there is no struggle,there is no progress.没有竞争,没有进步。

7、La vita E bella. 精彩人生。

8、Laziness pays off now but hard work pays off in the future.仔细和努力带来好运。

9、Life is not fair,get used to it.生活是不公平的,要去适应它。

10、Look before you leap.三思而后行。

11、Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.心之所愿,无事不成. 12、Nothing is impossible!没有什么不可能! 13、Nothing seek,nothing find.无所求则无所获. 14、pain past is pleasure 过去的痛苦即快乐 15、So I'll just play my part 因此我只要演好我的角色 16、Soul mate.灵魂伴侣、 17、start all over again.从头再来 18、Start over 重新开始 19、Take these broken wings and learn to fly 用这些残翅、学着去飞、 20、That 's life 这就是生活...


